next we start to fix these 2 brick points
medium melt setter
place a piece of medium outsider on the welding fixture
then use the enameled wear that I've introduced before
the copperware I'm taking now is 0.02mm in diameter
then put the copper wear into this medium mount cutter
mount medium mount cutter
flatten with the startering iron back in the forth
in the surface of the copper wire
this copperware was originally the red color of copper
now it's the silvery white
it's tinted now
then put a little bit of
flux on the 2 solder joints we need to fix
then place the coverware on the script line
at the brake point
after placing it
we use the soldering iron to melt the solder
at the same time
is that team paste is errand
the copperware has already been stuck to the lion
let's cut the copperware just suitable length
then deal with this one
the fixture of the martyr board
should be just according to the direction of operation
adjust the fixture to the direction
which you think is easier for you to weld
we have already connected these 2 lines
next use absorbent cotton
dipped in a little bit PCB cleaner to clean it
do not use a brush during this process
because the solder joints connected
are very small and very thin
this kind of
copperware will be brushed off with a little force
you can use cotton or cotton swaps
don't go back and forth and wipe it in circles
still a little bit of soldering oil on it
a little more cleaning
in order to make the PCB cleaner evaporate quickly
we can use an Aragon to assist it to evaporate
it looks dry after washing
there is no Grace like the flux just now
this line is connected now